Essential Resources
Updated 2 January 2024 (Links checked and updated November 2020)
- Collections of online resources
- Bibliography
- Major digitised publications
- Object, excavation, text, photo databases
- Maps
- Language resources
- Writing hieroglyphs
- Student databases, resources
- Cultural Studies
- Directories, mailing lists etc
- AWOL: the Ancient World Online
- Etana: an index of Internet ANE Resources (formerly ABZU)
--includes links to a number of online texts - TRISMEGISTOS: An interdisciplinary portal of papyrological and epigraphical resources
- Propylaeum: Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften (a central point for studying the ancient world)
- Online Egyptological Bibliography (formerly the Annual Egyptological Bibliography)
- List of books and articles freely available in PDF (Cambridge)
- Literaturrecherche (Münster)
- Demotistische Literaturübersicht
- Publications in Egyptology (Oxford)
- Oriental Institute Research Archives acquisition lists
- Wilbour Library and other NY area resources, including recent acquisitions
- Special Subject Collection Egyptology (Germany, Heidelberg)
- IFAO Bibliography Abbreviations
- The Topographical Bibliography in PDF form
Inclusion of a volume here is based on its importance, and I cannot always vouch for the quality of usability of the digitised version.
These items are also linked in to the list of online PDF files at Egyptology Resources.
- Description de l'Egypte
- Champollion, Monuments de l'Égypte et de la Nubie (plate)
- Lepsius, Denkmäler aus Aegypten und Aethiopien
- Aegyptische Inschriften aus den Königlichen Museen zu Berlin vol I, vol II
- Sethe, Die altaegyptischen Pyramidentexte
- Urkunden des aegyptischen Altertums
- Hieroglyphic texts from Egyptian stelae, etc in the British Museum vol 1, vol 4, vol 6
- Egyptian Museum Cairo, Catalogue Générale (incomplete)
- Davies, Tytus Theban Tomb Series: Nakht | Puyemre I II | Two Sculptors | Two Ramesside Tombs
- Champollion, Monuments de l'Egypte et de la Nubie
- Rosellini, Monumenti dell'Egitto e della Nubia
A larger number of older publications are available via the Ancient World Digital Library (ISAW New York):
The EEF list also has a list of some digitized publications:
Many of the publications of the Oriental Institute in Chicago are now available for download. I flag in particular two otherwise very hard to obtain books:
- Nina Davies, Ancient Egyptian Paintings vol I, vol II, vol III
- Calverley and Broome, The Temple of King Sethos I at Abydos, vol I, vol II, vol III, vol IV
A list of Chicago publications on Egypt (print and download) may be found at
There are also others of which I cannot confirm the legality. I give the following references without liability!
- The Digital Giza Project
- The Tutankhamun object database in Oxford. Now includes the Carter Diaries for the excavation
- AGÉA: Noms, Anthroponymes et Généalogies de l’Égypte Ancienne
- Database of Early Dynastic Inscriptions
- Database 'Cachette de Karnak' (IFAO)
- Archives of Bernard Bruyère (IFAO)
- Anthroponymes et Généalogies de l’Égypte Ancienne (IFAO)
- Coptos Database
- Das altägyptische Totenbuch (Book of the Dead)
- The Deir el-Medina Database
- Deir el Medine online
- Lilyquist, Christine, Excavations at Thebes: The Earl of Carnarvon and the Metropolitan Museum of Art at Carnarvon 62 and Surrounds
- Meketre Middle Kingdom scene repository
- Persons and Names of the Middle Kingdom (Mainz)
- Munro Archive Project
- Narmer Catalog (Thomas Heagy)
- Oxford Expedition to Egypt: Scene-details Database
- Prosopographia Memphitica
- Funerary Cones database and research material
- H.W. Müller photo archive (Heidelberg)
- S. Schott Photo Archive (Trier)
- Travelers in the Middle East Archive
- Ägyptologischen Datenbank AHA, Berlin
- Online Index of Ptolemaic and Roman Hieroglyphic Texts UNSURE IF THE URL IS CORRECT
- Arielle Kozloff's Theban Tomb Photos (Only accessible via institutions participating in Artstor/JSTOR)
- Altägyptisches Wörterbuch:
All parts of the Wb can now be accessed through the site Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, which includes the Zettelarchiv. Registration is now required. (In German.) - Wortdiskussionen (index of discussions of Egyptian words in journals--in German) Updated yearly only
- Demotic Wordlist (in German)
- Corpus dei Manoscritti Copti Letterari
- Demotic Dictionary Project
- The Multilingual Egyptological Thesaurus NOW APPARENTLY DEFUNCT
- Prosopographia Aegypti (now in Münster)
- Dime -- Datenbank der demotisch und griechisch bezeugten Personen aus Soknopaiu Nesos (in German)
- Hieratistik (Mainz, in German)
- Marcion, with access to Crum, Coptic Dictionary, and other Coptic and Greek sources
- Rosette (French, English, Arabic)
- Learning Hieroglyphs Step by Step (Bibliotheca Alexandrina)
- An copy of a guide to the Manuel de Codage system
- JSesh-hieroglyphic text editor
- Hieroglyphic Fonts
- Unicode Fonts for Ancient Scripts
- Note that most hieroglyphic editors come with their own fonts